


C2M2NF, A core model of central metabolism with Carbon, Nitrogen and Folate pathways: application to One-carbon metabolism in cancer cells 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

C2M2NF, A core model of central metabolism with Carbon, Nitrogen and Folate pathways: application to One-carbon metabolism in cancer cells

1- Jean-Pierre Mazat,
Université de Bordeaux & IBGC-CNRS,
Bordeaux, France

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Forced lipid catabolism entails higher proliferation rate of cervical cancer cells by ROS-dependent HIF1α activation 2560 2560 Metabolism & Cancer

Forced lipid catabolism entails higher proliferation rate of cervical cancer cells by ROS-dependent HIF1α activation

2- Serena Castelli,
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy

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Loss of glutaredoxin-2 contributes to tumor oncocytic transformation via differential protein s-glutathionylation and hampering of oxidative phosphorylation 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Loss of glutaredoxin-2 contributes to tumor oncocytic transformation via differential protein s-glutathionylation and hampering of oxidative phosphorylation

3- Monica De Luise,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Mechanisms of resistance to ferroptotic cell death : the impact of bioenergetic pathways 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Mechanisms of resistance to ferroptotic cell death : the impact of bioenergetic pathways

4- Célia Gotorbe,
Centre scientifique de Monaco, Monaco

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Mitochondrial complex I null cancer models reveal unspecific antiproliferative effects of complex I inhibitors – Copie 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Mitochondrial complex I null cancer models reveal unspecific antiproliferative effects of complex I inhibitors – Copie

5- Ivana Kurelac,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations are associated with ROS signature and are prognostic markers in hepatocellular carcinoma 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations are associated with ROS signature and are prognostic markers in hepatocellular carcinoma

6- Camelia Alexandra Coada,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Targeting the fatty acid oxidation in combination with chemotherapy induces complete pancreatic cancer regression in vivo 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Targeting the fatty acid oxidation in combination with chemotherapy induces complete pancreatic cancer regression in vivo

7- Gabriela Reyes Castellanos,
CRCM, Marseille, France

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Targeting the metabolic vulnerabilities of metastatic colorectal cancer 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Targeting the metabolic vulnerabilities of metastatic colorectal cancer

8- Josep Tarragó-Celada,
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

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The IF1 mitochondrial inhibitory protein of ATP synthase modulates the permeability transition pore in a human cancer call model 1236 1749 Metabolism & Cancer

The IF1 mitochondrial inhibitory protein of ATP synthase modulates the permeability transition pore in a human cancer call model

9- Valentina Giorgio,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Loss of SDHB, but not SDHD, promotes dysregulated oxidative stress and vulnerability to ascorbate 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Loss of SDHB, but not SDHD, promotes dysregulated oxidative stress and vulnerability to ascorbate

10- Judith Goncalves,
U970, INSERM, Paris, France

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Metabolic competition for glucose between tumorcells and host cells 1791 2560 Metabolism & Cancer

Metabolic competition for glucose between tumorcells and host cells

11- Johannes Van Beek,
Amsterdam University Medical Centers,
The Netherlands

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Normal hematopoetic stem cells can exhibit metabolic flexibility similar to cancer cells 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

Normal hematopoetic stem cells can exhibit metabolic flexibility similar to cancer cells

12- Alice Refeyton,
Inserm U1035, University of Bordeaux, France

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Novel papaverine-based mitochondrial complex i inhibitor smv-32 alleviates tumor hypoxia and radiosensitizes hypoxic tumors 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer

Novel papaverine-based mitochondrial complex i inhibitor smv-32 alleviates tumor hypoxia and radiosensitizes hypoxic tumors

13- Martin Benej,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

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RIP140 inhibits glycolysis-dependent proliferation of breast cancer cells by regulating GLUT3 expression through transcriptional crosstalk between hypoxia induced factor and p53 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer

RIP140 inhibits glycolysis-dependent proliferation of breast cancer cells by regulating GLUT3 expression through transcriptional crosstalk between hypoxia induced factor and p53

15- Catherine Teyssier,
INSERMU1194, Montpellier, France

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The ATPase inhibitor protein IF1 in cancer cells exposed to anoxia mimicking condition favors survival and proliferation of re-oxygenated cells 1920 2560 Metabolism & Cancer

The ATPase inhibitor protein IF1 in cancer cells exposed to anoxia mimicking condition favors survival and proliferation of re-oxygenated cells

16- Gianluca Sgarbi,
University of Bologna, Italy

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MiR 22 differentially regulates energy metabolism in normal versus hepatic cancer cells 1240 1755 Metabolism & Cancer

MiR 22 differentially regulates energy metabolism in normal versus hepatic cancer cells

17- Monika Gjorgjieva,
PHYME, University of Geneva, Switzerland

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Nicotinamide opposes glioblastoma cell aggressiveness by inducing senescence and correlated changes in histone marks 1755 1240 Metabolism & Cancer

Nicotinamide opposes glioblastoma cell aggressiveness by inducing senescence and correlated changes in histone marks

18- Elias El-Habr,
INSERM U1130, Sorbonne University,
Paris, France

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The Mechanism of Mycophenolic Acid Cytotoxicity 1756 1241 Metabolism & Cancer

The Mechanism of Mycophenolic Acid Cytotoxicity

19- Drew LaBreck, UNMC,
Bennington, USA

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Alterations in glucose concentration shows new perspectives in gastric cancer metabolic studies in vitro 2000 1125 Metabolism & Cancer
Alterations in glucose concentration shows new perspectives in gastric cancer metabolic studies in vitro

20- Emerson Lucena da Silva,
Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil

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Association of lipid droplets accumulation with stemness and chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Association of lipid droplets accumulation with stemness and chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer

21- Alba Royo García,
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain

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Biomarker discovery through integrated models of patient metabolic and genetic fingerprints 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Biomarker discovery through integrated models of patient metabolic and genetic fingerprints

22- Marta Cascante,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine,
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

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Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote drug resistance in ALK-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma cells through upregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote drug resistance in ALK-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma cells through upregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis

23- Ann-Kathrin Daum,
Division of Cancer Genome Research,
DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

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Characterization by Mass Spectrometry of the lipid metabolism in the different molecular breast cancer subtypes 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Characterization by Mass Spectrometry of the lipid metabolism in the different molecular breast cancer subtypes

24- Jose Adriá,
FUNCA, IISPV, Reus, Spain

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Citrullination of pyruvate kinase M2 by PADI1 and PADI3 regulates glycolysis and cancer cell proliferation 1241 1754 Metabolism & Cancer
Citrullination of pyruvate kinase M2 by PADI1 and PADI3 regulates glycolysis and cancer cell proliferation

25- Irwin Davidson,
Functional Genomics and Cancer,
IGBMC, Illkirch, France

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Deciphering the role of the mitochondrial chaperonine MCJ in ovarian cancer 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Deciphering the role of the mitochondrial chaperonine MCJ in ovarian cancer

26- Stefano Miglietta,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Definition of metabolic subtypes for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma stratification 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Definition of metabolic subtypes for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma stratification

27- Pilar Espiau Romera,
IIS Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain

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Dicarbonyl stress epigenetically silences mapk phosphatases in breast cancer 1707 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Dicarbonyl stress epigenetically silences mapk phosphatases in breast cancer

28- Akeila Bellahcene,
GIGA-Cancer, University of Liège, Belgium

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Exploring serum metabolomics by advanced 1H-NMR profiling in breast cancer patients 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Exploring serum metabolomics by advanced 1H-NMR profiling in breast cancer patients

29- Ylenia Ávivar,
URLA, URV, Reus, Spain

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FABP4 and FABP5 play an important role in breast cancer progession 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
FABP4 and FABP5 play an important role in breast cancer progession

30- Jose Adriá,
FUNCA, IISPV, Reus, Spain

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GIcNAC is a MAst-cell Chromatin-remodeling Oncometabolite 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
GIcNAC is a MAst-cell Chromatin-remodeling Oncometabolite

31- Fabienne Brenet,
CRCM – INSERM U1068, Marseille, France

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Glioblastoma growth and invasion: when lactate dehydrogenases take the lead 1241 1754 Metabolism & Cancer
Glioblastoma growth and invasion: when lactate dehydrogenases take the lead

32- Joris Guyon,
INSERM, LAMC, U1029, Pessac, France

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Glycogen storage disease type III as a model to study glycogen driving tumor development 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Glycogen storage disease type III as a model to study glycogen driving tumor development

33- Valle Montalvo-Romeral,
Genethon, Evry, France

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Impact of metabolic shift toward oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) on metastatic process and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against tumors 1240 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Impact of metabolic shift toward oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) on metastatic process and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against tumors

34- Noémie Dudzinska,
INSERM U1183, Montpellier, France

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In-silico analysis of identified proteins from HER-2 positive breast cancer cell lines resistant and sensitive to Trastuzumab treatment 2425 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
In-silico analysis of identified proteins from HER-2 positive breast cancer cell lines resistant and sensitive to Trastuzumab treatment

35- Thais Fernandes,
INCA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Integrated Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Analysis of Monolayer and Neurospheres from Established Glioblastoma Cell Lines 2067 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Integrated Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Analysis of Monolayer and Neurospheres from Established Glioblastoma Cell Lines

36- Joana Peixoto,
I3S-Ipatimup, Porto, Portugal

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LDL receptor-peptide conjugate as in vivo tool for specific targeting of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
LDL receptor-peptide conjugate as in vivo tool for specific targeting of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

37- Angélina Acier,
CRCM, Marseille, France

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Lipid Metabolism supports the tumorigenic potential of Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Lipid Metabolism supports the tumorigenic potential of Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells

38- Patricia Sancho,
Translational Research Unit,
IIS Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain

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Metabolic and immune features as predictive biomarkers of risk of stratification of skin carcinoma 1955 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Metabolic and immune features as predictive biomarkers of risk of stratification of skin carcinoma

39- Léa Dousset,
Bordeaux, France

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Metabolic modules distinguishing glioblastoma cells in distinct functioning states identified from single cell analyses 1275 1650 Metabolism & Cancer
Metabolic modules distinguishing glioblastoma cells in distinct functioning states identified from single cell analyses

40- Mirca Saurty-Seerunghen,
Laboratoire Neurosciences Paris Seine,
Paris, France

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Metabolic plasticity in metastatic colorectal cancer in response to Palbociclib 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Metabolic plasticity in metastatic colorectal cancer in response to Palbociclib

41- Claudia Hernández-Carro,
University of Barcelona, Spain

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Metabolic profile of tumor skin cells after low-levellaser therapy 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Metabolic profile of tumor skin cells after low-levellaser therapy

42- Tatiane Veloso,
Universidade do Estado
do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Metabolic Vulnerabilities as Predictive Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Skin Carcinogenesis 1811 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Metabolic Vulnerabilities as Predictive Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Skin Carcinogenesis

43- Pauline Michon,
U1035, INSERM, Bordeaux, France

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Methylglyoxal, a byproduct of glycolysis, modulates breast cancer immune landscape 1707 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Methylglyoxal, a byproduct of glycolysis, modulates breast cancer immune landscape

44- Tom Wissocq,
GIGA-Cancer, Univeristy of Liège, Belgium

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Mitochondriain human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines have ultrastructural alterations linked to deregulation of theirrespiratory profiles 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Mitochondriain human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines have ultrastructural alterations linked to deregulation of theirrespiratory profiles

45- Julie Mondet,
Grenoble, France

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Mitochondrial anti-fission signaling elicited by the β isoform of PI3K suggests a treatment strategy for KRAS-driven cancers 1500 2000 Metabolism & Cancer
Mitochondrial anti-fission signaling elicited by the β isoform of PI3K suggests a treatment strategy for KRAS-driven cancers

46- Julie Guillermet-Guibert,
CRCT, Toulouse, France

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Modulation of Nrf2 dependent antioxidant response after infection with Helicobacter pylor i may contribute to gastric cancer 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Modulation of Nrf2 dependent antioxidant response after infection with Helicobacter pylor i may contribute to gastric cancer

47- Océane Martin,
University of Bordeaux, France

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Multiplatinum resistance and metabolic plasticity in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Multiplatinum resistance and metabolic plasticity in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and colorectal cancer (CRC)

48- Silvia Marin,
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

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Non-metabolic functions of Hexokinase 2 promote cancer stemness and oncogenicity by regulating an EMT-like phenotype and cell-extracellular communications 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Non-metabolic functions of Hexokinase 2 promote cancer stemness and oncogenicity by regulating an EMT-like phenotype and cell-extracellular communications

49- Manon Watzky,
CNRS UMR8104, Paris, France

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Nox4 regulates tgf,a-lnduced proliferation and self-renewal in glioblastoma stem cells 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Nox4 regulates tgf,a-lnduced proliferation and self-renewal in glioblastoma stem cells

50- Irene Golán,
Uppsala University, Sweden

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O-GlcNAc regulates Tyrosine phosphorylation 105 site on PKM2: A Mechanistic insight linking O-GlcNAc to Warburg effect in human alveolar adenocarcinoma 1920 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
O-GlcNAc regulates Tyrosine phosphorylation 105 site on PKM2: A Mechanistic insight linking O-GlcNAc to Warburg effect in human alveolar adenocarcinoma

51- Patrícia Cruz,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Plasma fatty acids alterations in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2560 1920 Metabolism & Cancer
Plasma fatty acids alterations in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

54- Maria Papadopoulou,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Protein kinase C regulates fatty acid metabolism in breast cancer cells 1240 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Protein kinase C regulates fatty acid metabolism in breast cancer cells

55- Daniele Vergara,
University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

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Pseudoprogression as a novel radiological sign of solid tumors underwent sonodynamic therapy 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Pseudoprogression as a novel radiological sign of solid tumors underwent sonodynamic therapy

56- Ahmed M. Elsakka,
Cairo, Egypt

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Reduction of lipotoxic and carcinogenic impacts of adipose tissue by application of a combined physical training and diet 1754 1241 Metabolism & Cancer
Reduction of lipotoxic and carcinogenic impacts of adipose tissue by application of a combined physical training and diet

57- Anatolie Baciu, Kishinev,
Republic of Moldova

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Respiratory complex I deficiency triggers accumulation of lipid droplets and endoplasmic reticulum stress response 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Respiratory complex I deficiency triggers accumulation of lipid droplets and endoplasmic reticulum stress response

58- Luisa Iommarini,
University of Bologna, Italy

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Role of N-acetylaspartate in hepatocellular carcinoma 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Role of N-acetylaspartate in hepatocellular carcinoma

59- Pamela De Falco,
University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

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Serine metabolism controls lung adenocarcinoma cells migratory ability by modulating AMP kinase activity 1755 1241 Metabolism & Cancer
Serine metabolism controls lung adenocarcinoma cells migratory ability by modulating AMP kinase activity

60- Amani Bouzidi,
Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

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Serum bilirubin levels and risk of cancer in the Swedish AMORIS cohort study 1811 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Serum bilirubin levels and risk of cancer in the Swedish AMORIS cohort study

61- Maria J. Monroy-Iglesias,
King’s College London, United Kingdom

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Silibinin mediated HIF 1α inhibition restores oxidative phosphorylation in highly glycolytic nasopharyngeal carcinoma 1593 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Silibinin mediated HIF 1α inhibition restores oxidative phosphorylation in highly glycolytic nasopharyngeal carcinoma

62- Mehdi Bourouba,
University of Sciences, Algiers, Algeria

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Targeting the metabolic reprogramming associated with cdk4/6 inhibition as an effective combined therapy in colon cancer 1241 1755 Metabolism & Cancer
Targeting the metabolic reprogramming associated with cdk4/6 inhibition as an effective combined therapy in colon cancer

63- Míriam Tarrado-Castellarnau,
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII),
Barcelona, Spain

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The role of adipocyte G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 (G0S2) in the crosstalk between cancer cells and adipocytes 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
The role of adipocyte G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 (G0S2) in the crosstalk between cancer cells and adipocytes

64- Christophe Deroanne,
University of Liège, Belgium

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Therapy-induced DNA methylation inactivates MCT1 and renders tumor cells vulnerable for MCT4 inhibition 1125 1625 Metabolism & Cancer
Therapy-induced DNA methylation inactivates MCT1 and renders tumor cells vulnerable for MCT4 inhibition

65- Catherine Vander Linden,
UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium

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Transformation Foci in Diffuse Low Grade Gliomas Show STAT3 Pathway Activation and Downregulation of the Phospho Ethanolamine Catabolism Enzyme ETNPPL Acting as a Negative Regulator of Glioma Cell Growth 1811 2560 Metabolism & Cancer
Transformation Foci in Diffuse Low Grade Gliomas Show STAT3 Pathway Activation and Downregulation of the Phospho Ethanolamine Catabolism Enzyme ETNPPL Acting as a Negative Regulator of Glioma Cell Growth

66- Jean-Philippe Hugnot,
IGF, Montpellier, France

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