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  • Chairs: Rodrigue Rossignol (MRGM, Bordeaux) & Sophie Vasseur (CRCM, Marseille)

    09:30 Symposium Welcome,
    Rodrigue Rossignol (MRGM, Bordeaux)

    09:40 Keynote lecture
    Mitochondrial redox signaling and drug modulation,
    Mike Murphy (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

    10:20 Lecture
    xCT-based inducers of ferroptosis in the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma – opportunities and challenges,
    Milica Vucetic (Centre Scientifique de Monaco)

    10:40 Selected talk
    Exploiting a redox bottleneck to combat drug tolerance in pancreatic cancer, Holly Brunton (CRUK Beatson, United Kingdom)

    10:55 Industry Talk
    The next generation of immunotherapies requires a new generation of cell analysis tools, Pascale Daou (Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies)

    11:05 Lecture
    Preventing cancer metastasis with superoxide scavengers,
    Pierre Sonveaux (UC Louvain, Belgium)

    11:25 Selected talk
    Targeting mitochondrial and redox metabolism to prevent relapse in pancreatic cancer, Nadine Abdel Hadi (CRCM, Marseille, France)

    11:40 Industry Talk
    Nanolive microscopes deliver a complete solution for label-free high resolution live cell imaging and quantitative analysis,
    Adrian Baumann (Nanolive)

  • Chairs: Laurent Le Cam (IRCM, Montpellier) & Rodrigue Rossignol (MRGM, Bordeaux)

    Cancer Cell, Nelly Baratta

  • Chairs: Nathalie Mazure (C3M, Nice) & Marija Vlaski-Lafarge (EFS/ BMGIC, Bordeaux)

    14:00 Welcome talk, Nathalie Mazure (C3M, Nice)

    14:05 Nobel lecture: Understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms: implications for cancer, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe (Oxford, United Kingdom)
    15:05 Lecture: Breaking the hypoxic barrier to PARP inhibitors, Amato Giaccia (Oxford, United Kingdom)

    15:45 Industry Symposium
    Hypoxia live session, Petra Miikkulainen (Baker Ruskinn) & Gaëtan Podeur (Alliance Bio Expertise)

    16:15 Industry talk
    Innovative tools for monitoring mitochondrial events in vitro,
    Frédéric Samazan (Tebu-Bio)

    16:25 Selected talk
    HIF1A promotes prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia evolution,
    Mohamed Abu El Maaty (IGBMC, Illkirch, France)

    16:40 Lecture: The dual metabolic control of stem cell niche: an energy restriction model for the selection of chronicmyeloid leukaemia cells sensitive or resistant to therapy, Persio Dello Sbarba (Firenze, Italy)


  • Chairs: Laurent Le Cam (IRCM, Montpellier) & Stéphane Rocchi (C3M, Nice)

    09:30 Welcome talk, Laurent Le Cam (IRCM, Montpellier)

    09:35 Keynote lecture
    Novel chromatin based mechanisms, Robert Schneider (Helmholtz Munich, Germany)
    10:15 Lecture: Epigenetic reprogramming in SDH-deficient cancers,
    Judith Favier (Cardiovascular Research Center HEGP, Paris, France)

    10:45 Selected talk
    Methylglyoxal, a glycolysis by-product, epigenetically silences tumor suppressor genes in triple negative breast cancer, Assia Tiamiou (University of Liège, Belgium)
    11:00 Lecture: SCENITH: functional profiling energy metabolism and epigenetics in human samples by Flow cytometry, Rafael Jose Argüello (CIML, Marseille, France)
    11:25 Industry Talk
    NextGen-O2k and Bioenergetics Communications, Erich Gnaiger (Oroboros Instruments innovations)

    11:40 Selected talk
    Translatome-based classification reveals a dual metabolic dependency
    of a new TUMC subtype of pancreatic cancer, Yvan Martineau (CRCT, Toulouse, France)

    11:55 Selected talk
    Interaction of LncRNA LENOX with the GTPase RAP2C promotes
    oxidative phosphorylation, melanoma cell survival
    and resistance to BRAF inhibition,
    Giovanni Gambi
    (IGBMC, Illkirch, France)
    12:10 Short presentation of SFC, Julie Pannequin (SFC)

  • Chairs: Frédéric Bost (C3M, Nice) & Jean-Emmanuel Sarry (CRCT, Toulouse)

    14:00 Welcome talk,
    Jean-Emmanuel Sarry (CRCT, Toulouse)

    14:05 Metabolic control of immunity by the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and O-GlcNacylation, Maya Saleh
    Oncoimmunology Research, ImmunoConcEpT Laboratories, Department of Life Sciences and Health, The University of Bordeaux, France)
    14:35 Lecture: Dietary fatty acids and the regulation of glycolysis, Alicia Kowaltowski (São Paulo, Brazil)

    14:55 Selected talk
    Role of the transcription factor to liver carcinogenesis,
    Emmanuel Benichou (Institut Cochin, Paris, France)

    15:10 Industry talk
    Analysis of rates of cellular bioenergetics pathways and applications in studying metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells,
    Barry Bochner (Biolog Inc)
    15:40 Lecture
    Autophagic and primary cilium machineries crosstalk in mechanical stress sensing: molecular and functional aspects,
    Etienne Morel (Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France)

    16:00 Selected talk
    PPARD integrates microenvironmental signals to activate
    a pro-metastatic metabolic program in pancreatic cancer, Beatriz Parejo-Alonso (IIS Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain)
    16:15 Keynote lecture
    Dietary modulation and cancer therapy,
    Karen Vousden (Crick Institute, United Kingdom)
    17:20 Best talks & e-poster awards


  • En partenariat avec le réseau NACRe

    Modérateurs : Alice Carrier (CRCM, Marseille), Jean-Ehrland Ricci (C3M, Nice) & Rodrigue Rossignol (MRGM, Bordeaux)

    Avec la participation des comédiens Morgane Clémenceau et Philippe Souque

    09h00 • Mot de bienvenue et présentation du réseau NACRe Nathalie Caplet (BRIO, Bordeaux) et Bernard Srour (Coordinateur du réseau NACRe)

    09h15 • Présentation du réseau et des conclusions du rapport INCa 2020, Bernard Srour (Coordinateur du réseau NACRe)

    09h40 • Régimes restrictifs, thérapies ciblées et immunothérapie, Bruno Raynard (Gustave Roussy, Villejuif)

    10h05 • Vrai et faux sur nutrition et cancer, Vanessa Cottet (LNC Dijon)

    10h30 • Pause
    10h40 • Nutrition clinique au sein des soins de support : dépistage de la dénutrition (cachexie) et optimisation des organisations, Pierre Senesse (Institut du Cancer de Montpellier)

    11h05 • Oncogériatrie : accompagner les personnes âgées pendant le diagnostic et le traitement d’un cancer, Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson (CHU Bordeaux)

    11h30 Table ronde
    Modérateurs :
    Alice Carrier (CRCM, Marseille) et Jean-Ehrland Ricci (C3M, Nice)
    Présentation du collectif ASPERON & Co (Associations et Patients Engagés pour la Recherche en Oncologie & Communauté professionnelle), Nathalie Caplet (BRIO, Bordeaux)
    Questions soulevées par le collectif & questions générales du chat,
    tous les intervenants

    12h00 Conclusion, Rodrigue Rossigno
    l (MRGM, Bordeaux)

    12h05 Fin de la réunion

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